Love this 11.9m Z-Bow Now Constructed It's The Biggest!

11.9 mtr Z-Bow in HDPE - The primary goal with this new build was to create a vessel that has high speed and exceptional handling whilst offering maximum passenger comfort and being more fuel efficient.

11.9 mtr Z-Bow in HDPE

Follow the largest HDPE vessel build in Australia. (At the time of writing) because has several unique qualities.

  • Built with a Unique Z-Bow
  • Has a Two Stepped Hull
  • Is constructed in HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene)
  • 1C Survey for 42 passengers plus 2 crew
  • Skippered by a Coxswain
HDPE 42 Passenger Vessel
Original Concept Render

Objectives, So Why?

What was the primary goal with this new build 11.9 mtr Z-Bow? To create a vessel that has high speed and exceptional handling. Also, needed to offer greatest passenger comfort and, be cheap to run.

For this purpose, we constructed a 7.5 mtr two-step foam collar. Furthermore, she is constructed from aluminium and designed on spec as a test bench for a larger vessel. The results were astounding. A very fast vessel that can turn at high speed and yet still offers a very smooth and comfortable ride.

Would like to experience what your new people mover can do? To test drive this vessel, please call and I will organise.


  1. It has a lifespan of up to 50 years and a very low corrosion rate
  2. No Anti foul
  3. No Electrolysis
  4. HDPE is a thermoplastic material thus workable recycling is available
  5. Tough, flexible, and resistant to bumps and scratches. This means rocks and other sharp objects won't puncture it.
  6. The carbon footprint is five times lower than that of aluminium
  7. A HDPE hull is smooth, and it is completely resistant to marine growth
  8. This material does not have any chronic disease like delamination of GRP or “Osmosis”
  9. HDPE boat is lighter than aluminium and steel.
  10. 11.9 mtr Z-Bow has in HDPE has colour variety is available

11.9 mtr Z-Bow, what is its purpose?

Firstly, when the bow dips, the 'Z-Bow's designed for wave piercing. So this is to reduce vertical accelerations and increase pilot comfort. Furthermore, there is an underlying principle behind the Z bow, which is quite simple and easy to fathom. To not cause an increase in the weight or length of the vessel, the z-bow allows the hulls length to stretch and be finer. Lastly, the consequential end of this is that a vessel can pierce through waves. This of course beats crashing into them. Finally, this slight difference goes a long way in helping to have a smooth and efficient ride.

Ok, so what about the two Stepped Hull?

These hulls are uncommon. In Addition, they function by getting the air behind the steps. This is when they work in a displacement mode, therefore causing more efficiency.

Also, to provide higher levels of comfort and fuel efficiency. These boats can be more efficient and comfortable with stepped hulls. A stepped hull creates instead three short, wide, high-aspect surfaces. These are in turn far more efficient. This modified hull reduces its frictional drag on the water by creating a higher lift. Therefore, boats with a stepped hull are up to 15% faster than those with a standard hull. Stepped hulls distribute lift more evenly. So it is this that makes your vessel more level at higher speeds and with a consistent trim angle.

To explain, as the hull lifting surface aspect ratio increases, so does the efficiency. A single hull surface displaying a 1:3 aspect ratio (where the length is three times that of the width of the hull).

Stepped hull

Lighter, faster boats benefit a lot from a stepped hull. Throughout the entire speed range, this results in lower fuel bills. Stepped hulls are more efficient vessels.

Specs of the 11.9 mtr Z-Bow being built

Measured Length - 11.99 mtr
LOA - 12.49 mtr
Beam 4.2 mtr
Draft - 0.55
Displacement (Lightship) 6,000kg
Displacement (Loaded) 10,600kg
Engines - 2 x 325hp
Fuel - 2 x 600ltr
Water - 200 ltr
Survey - 1C 2 plus 37

The Build So Far

11.9 mtr Z-Bow

I always love seeing a vessel at this stage.

It is the raw bones that will define the shape.

This needs to be perfect so the rest of the build can be perfect too.

18 mm Thick Bottom Plate is being cut and fixed.

11.9 mtr Z-Bow
Z-Bow taking shape

Z-Bow is now starting to form

The two steps built into the bottom of the hull can be seen here.

11.9 mtr Z-Bow Steps

The two steps built into the bottom of the hull can be seen here.

These pics were uploaded on 29/09/2022
I will be adding further updates as this build continues.

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25 PAX TRANSFER FERRY - First off the production line in this series of z-bow transfer ferries, this vessel is an absolute winner! This alumium cat has a nine metre sponson length but is 10 metre over all.

First off the production line in this series of z-bow transfer ferries, this vessel is an absolute winner! This alumium cat has a nine metre sponson length but is 10 metre over all. It took 6 months to build and this one is powered by twin 250hp Suzuki's and can be optioned up with bigger engines if required. Seatrials confirmed the architects projections of 35 knots top and cruise at 25 knots. She is vessel unique in both concept and design, offering a smaller, wider vessel (beam is 3.8 metre) capable of carrying a 25 passengers which is a lot more than any other vessel this size. She also boasts a proper change room - toilet, not just a small toilet cubicle.

She is ideally suited for operators wanting a whale watch vessel that will take their clients out and back with decent speeds and then offer a stable viewing platform for the clients to enjoy the view and cruise slowly without scaring the whales. Fuel efficiency, skipped by a coxwain and maximum carrying capacity leads to much lower operating costs and more profit on your bottom line.

Equally, she is being eyed as a crew boat for the same reasons. High speed, maximum passengers with change room toilet and very stable. Bow, side and stern loading are all options. For those wanting a dive, snorkel or fishing charter, this vessel is highly adaptable and very capable. For dive and snorkel operations, you can option up with a drop down bow with steps and rails for easy entry and exit for your clients to and from the water.

Lead times for building is usually 6 months. All vessels fully compliant and are delivered in NSCV (AMSA) 1C survey. Generally, a build cost of $350k will see you on the water, turn key and ready to go.

This vessel is the baby of the range:
Length - 9 metre (10 metre overall)
Beam - 3.8 metre
Power - twin 250hp ouboards (or engine size of your choice)
Passengers - 25 plus 1 crew

The next size up is:
Length - 10.5 metre (11.5 metre overall)
Beam - 4.5 metre
Power - twin 350hp to 400hp outboards
Passengers - 35 plus

And the big boy of our range:
Length - 12 metre (overall 13 metre)
Beam - two available on this vessel. 4.5 metre is powered by twin outboards and 5.5 metre is powered by four outboards.
Power - four x 250hp - 300hp or 350hp
Passengers - 50 plus
For further information, ordering details and build times etc please contact Ian Hatfield on 0411 724 044 or international +61 411 724 044

How To Keep Crewing Costs Down? Coxwain 50 Pax Ferry

50 pax skippered by coxswain? In a world driven by operating costs, we are always looking at how we can provide more but cost us less to build and operate.


In a world driven by operating costs, we are always looking at how we can provide more but cost us less to build and operate. Bigger and better 'bang for your buck! Our naval Architect has designed this multi-purpose vessel as a Z bow to achieve a fine water line entry. To maximise water line length, and, at the same time optimise sea keeping capabilities. His unique design has provided an ideal vessel capable of carrying 50+ passengers. This design enables a coxswain to efficiently skipper it

How Does This Work?

This Z-Bow features a clever design with an overall length of 14.17 metres and a waterline length of 12.13 metres. The kicker? Its surveyed length is just 11.97 metres, allowing a coxswain to skipper it. You enjoy the benefits of a 14-metre vessel while keeping your operating costs low.
So, you actually operate a 14-metre vessel while keeping your costs low. With an affordable Coxswain to skipper you also maximise your carrying capacity whilst maintaining high speed without compromising safety.
Very clever Commercial Boat Design which you can now take advantage of.

Offering loading from front (beach if you like), stern and both sides makes her ideal for all applications. With power provided by your choice of two or four outboards, this vessel can achieve a loaded cruise of more than 30 knots. This maximises your outlay for the most efficient result. There is plenty of storage forward for passenger baggage or equipment. The vessel includes a single toilet but can easily provide two if required.


Fast Ferry - Crew Boat- Charter Boat
With a 50 passenger carrying capacity and 22 knot loaded cruising speed. Features Bow, Stern and both side entry. Survey for 30nm offshore, this vessel is an ideal candidate for resorts. Both large and small operators of tourism related industries find it useful. Naturally, you can have a 50 pax capacity, skippered by an efficient coxswain.

Work Boat Dive Boat - Support Vessel - Wind Farm Crew and Support
Multiple configurations allow this vessel great access into many markets. For diving, both commercial and charter, replace the seating with suitable tank racks. The bow ramp provides easy water access for your divers. As a support vessel and wind farm crew and support, the combination of seating and deck space makes for a very functional and desirable vessel. It has many capabilities. Transfer black water back to shore for disposal and deliver crew and gear on time with speed and awesome handling.

50 pax Ferry Vessel Specs:

The vessel will achieve a 1C survey (30nm offshore in Australia) for 50 passengers and up to 8 crew. The bow ramp can be made suitable for wheelchair access. She can also be fitted with large HDPE tanks to transport black water. These tanks can be replaced with storage, catch tanks, or extra fuel. In addition, the vessel had an air draft of less than 4.5 metres.

LOA: 14.17 Metres

LWL: 12.13 Metres

BEAM: 5.49 Metres

DRAFT: 0.3 to 0.6 Metres

DEPTH: 1.31 Metres

Sullage: Up to 8,000 Litres

Fuel: 2,000 to 4,000 Litre option

Water: 200 Litres

The vessel is provided with a stability book demonstrating compliance with the requirements of the NSCV Code Part 6A Chapter 5A or 5B.

The vessel is designed to meet Lloyds SSC rules service area G3.

Materials for the 50 pax ferry

This vessel, designed to be 50 pax, is conveniently skippered by a coxswain. For all sales enquiries and further information, please contact Ian Hatfield at Commercial Boats
Phone:     +61411 724044

50 pax Ferry
50 pax New Build Ferry in Operation


FERRY SOLD TO NEW ZEALAND - Sadly, White Island Tours (New Zealand) had a major fire on one of their FERRY which left them in need of a replacement.

Sadly, White Island Tours (New Zealand) had a major fire on one of their vessel which left them in need of a replacement.

and it needed to happen quickly. Our brief was to find a vessel for White Island Tours New Zealand to be used as a ferry to take their clients 49km off the coast of New Zealand’s North Island to visit one of the world’s most accessible live volcanoes. With the majority of the volcano sitting beneath the sea their clients are able to disembark directly into the crater complex. The vessel we settled on was one of two identical crew boats we had that we were keen to re-purpose and we knew we could make this work for our clients. She had great surveys, would seat 38 and had the capacity to to seat up to 50. With pax loading front, rear and sides and her stabilty and handling in rough seas we felt this was the best choice.IMG 3658Our sincere thanks to directors or White Island Tours Peter and Jenny Tait for trusting us with their purchase. It took months of negotation, time and effort and preperation to make this deal happen with several trips from NZ to Fremantle made by Peter and Jenny. There was a number of set backs along the way but we all perservered to make it happen. Thanks to the huge effort by the vendors to help make this deal happen and a very special thanks to David Van Reemst from 'Seaway' for the special effort he put in to get the vessel from Fremantle to Auckland. Congratulations to our clients "White Island Tours" in New Zealand and thanks for trusting us with your purchase.



18 METRE CAT "CUT IN HALF"! - We recently had this 18 METRE CAT, hull only and an incomplete vessel, for sale by a builder who's client had gone 'belly up' and stopped paying.

We recently had this 18m GRP Catamaran, hull only and an incomplete vessel, for sale by a builder who's client had gone 'belly up' and stopped paying. We had a client from Melbourne wanting to purchase and complete her himself, the only problem was 'how to get it From Fremantle WA to Melbourne Vic'? It was just way to high for any truck transport and the costs were blowing out with all the extra's needed to get it under wires, bridges etc.

The solution came from our long time associate Peter Devereaux from Devtrans . (Peter can be contacted on 08 9258 5144) Peter suggested we cut the vessel in half lengthways and truck the vessel in two pieces .. Initial laughs gave way to "you know, that's doable" Rick Matson from Legend boat Builders got his staff to expertly slice basically the whole top off and these two parts loaded onto two trucks and were sent 3,500 kilometres without incident. The vessel arrived in Melbourne and was reassembled and is now well on her way to being completed.