FERRY SOLD TO NEW ZEALAND - Sadly, White Island Tours (New Zealand) had a major fire on one of their FERRY which left them in need of a replacement.
Sadly, White Island Tours (New Zealand) had a major fire on one of their vessel which left them in need of a replacement.
and it needed to happen quickly. Our brief was to find a vessel for White Island Tours New Zealand to be used as a ferry to take their clients 49km off the coast of New Zealand’s North Island to visit one of the world’s most accessible live volcanoes. With the majority of the volcano sitting beneath the sea their clients are able to disembark directly into the crater complex. The vessel we settled on was one of two identical crew boats we had that we were keen to re-purpose and we knew we could make this work for our clients. She had great surveys, would seat 38 and had the capacity to to seat up to 50. With pax loading front, rear and sides and her stabilty and handling in rough seas we felt this was the best choice.IMG 3658Our sincere thanks to directors or White Island Tours Peter and Jenny Tait for trusting us with their purchase. It took months of negotation, time and effort and preperation to make this deal happen with several trips from NZ to Fremantle made by Peter and Jenny. There was a number of set backs along the way but we all perservered to make it happen. Thanks to the huge effort by the vendors to help make this deal happen and a very special thanks to David Van Reemst from 'Seaway' for the special effort he put in to get the vessel from Fremantle to Auckland. Congratulations to our clients "White Island Tours" in New Zealand and thanks for trusting us with your purchase.